Treaty of Cleveland

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The terms detailed in this document shall come into effect and carry legal force immediately following the affixing of the signatures of both its signatories.

  • I. The monarchy of the Kingdom of Abhaincam hereby surrenders sovereignty of the Kingdom of Abhaincam, and dissolves itself. Grant Hawkins shall no longer be considered the King of Abhaincam.
    • II. The monarchy of the Empire of Adammia assumes sovereignty over the Kingdom of Abhaincam. The Kingdom of Abhaincam shall no longer be considered an independent state, and is instead a part of the Empire of Adammia.
    • III. This Treaty shall hold legal force for all time to come, unless the population of the Kingdom of Abhaincam choose to declare it suspended through a public referendum, or if the government of the Empire of Adammia declares it suspended through legislative means.


His Imperial Majesty Adam I, as EMPEROR OF ADAMMIA:

Imperator Adammiae I

Grant Hawkins, as KING OF ABHAINCAM:

Emperor Grant I

11th January 2015 13:15