Treaty of Annexation for Creatuxia

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Empire of Adammia

Office of the Emperor

Treaty of Annexation

By agreement of signature of this document, the household owned by Sir Damian Parker of Congleton KOA, honourary citizen as of the 10th of June 2013, shall be ceded to the Empire of Adammia, sharing its sovereignty with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in accordance with Articles III and IV of the June 2013 Supreme Directive. The territory acquired shall form the Colony of Creatuxia, which shall be governed by Sir Damian Parker, who shall hold in this capacity the title of High Lord Overseer and the style of His Lordship, spoken as Your Lordship, My Lord or Sir. This position of governor is to be held by him and his descendants for all time to come unless We the occupant of the Office of the Emperor decree otherwise.

As they shall reside in Adammic territory with the signing of this document, the citizenship of Sir Damian Parker KOA and his mistress Madam Stacey Barratt of Congleton DOA shall be upgraded from honourary to full.

We declare that this Treaty shall take immediate effect on the date of its signing, this, the eighth of August, the two-thousand and thirteenth year of the Common Era, with the signature of the Monarch of Adammia and the macronational landowner, as was decreed by the Fourth Imperial Decree of the Imperator Adammiae I.


As Monarch of Adammia
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Adam I, Imperator Adammiae I, Archduke of West Adammia, Grand Admiral of the Adammic Navy, etc.:
Imperator Adammiae I

As macronational landowner and future Governor
Sir Damian Parker of Congleton, Knight of the Order of Adammia:
Sir D. Parker