State Opening of Council, VII Legislature

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27th October 2018, Province of Serkatia

To the most honourable gathered representatives, and to all who may hear this, greetings. It is with great pleasure that Our Imperial Majesty hereby declares that the term of the Seventh Legislature of the Ruling Council has officially begun, and shall last from now until June 2019.

In this Council assembled, the four Provinces of the Empire of Adammia are represented by means of their landed noble and their elected Councilor; furthermore, delegates represent our Colonies far from this chamber, and our citizens living abroad in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. These ten representatives who form the Council during its Seventh Legislature are as follows: present on behalf of the Province of Greater Tytannia are the Duchess of Greater Tytannia, Her Grace Lady Sophie Thornton, and the Councilor of Greater Tytannia, Our Imperial Majesty; on behalf of the Province of Serkatia are the Duke of Serkatia, His Grace Lord Sam Maude, and the Councilor of Serkatia, His Grace Lord Alexander Helliker; on behalf of the Province of Alluria are the Duke of Alluria, His Grace Lord General Luca Panconi, and the Councilor of Alluria, Sir Alexander Hasioszyn; on behalf of the Province of Dank-upon-Bourn are the Duchess of Dank-upon-Bourn, Her Grace Lady Anna Worthington, and the Councilor of Dank-upon-Bourn, Lady Hermione Peace; on behalf of the Colonies is Sir Owain Davies, and on behalf of our citizens abroad is Sir Juliano Saunders.

As dictated to us by our most venerated fundamental law, the Supreme Directive, this legislature oversees an executive government led by a Prime Minister elected by the peoples of the Empire. The Prime Minister for this term was elected in a National Election two weeks ago. Of the candidates who stood in that election, Sir Juliano Saunders recieved 19 votes, His Grace Lord Alexander Helliker recieved 10 votes, and His Grace Lord Sam Maude recieved 6 votes. Thus, Sir Juliano Saunders has been elected as the fifth Prime Minister of the Empire of Adammia. On Monday, I met with the Prime Minister to discuss the formation of the Cabinet which will run the executive Imperial Government during this term. The composition of the Cabinet is as follows: the Prime Minister shall be Sir Juliano Saunders; the Deputy Prime Minister shall be Lord Sam Maude; the Minister of Finance shall be Sir Juliano Saunders; the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall be Lord Sam Maude; the Minister of Defence shall be Lady Anna Worthington; the Minister of Citizenship and Information shall be Lady Anna Worthington; and the Minister of National Development shall be Lady Hermione Peace. Lord Alex Helliker shall act as the Leader of the Opposition which will scrutinise the work of the executive within this chamber.

Ladies and gentlemen, as we begin this term, I am inclined to remind you all that there is a strong and long-lasting tradition that this place sees a healthy mix of humour and serious business. We have no history of personal attacks or outright fabrication. I trust that this Council will keep its business grounded in a respectful reality. My work so far with the new administration has been productive and I hope it will remain that way. It is worth reiterating that the constitutional basis for government in this Empire is the Monarch and the People working in tandem. This is a delicate balance to maintain, and I do not believe that either side should be more powerful than the other.

We move now to our business of the day.