Rulings of the Supreme Judge of Renasia

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The following is a list of all rulings made by the Supreme Judge of the Free State of Renasia.

Ruling on the case of the Tie due to the Inactivity of the Vice Meritarch (2014)

My Ruling on the case of the Tie due to the Inactivity of the Vice Meritarch:

Due to the long term absence of Vice Meritarch Riley Small in addition to the absence of any law addressing a tie (specifically due to the absence of a Guntanu'tl Member) either within the Constution, it's Amendments or the Laws passed by the Guntanu'tl, I hereby declare the following by the Authority given unto me by Article I Section III of the Renasian Constitution ("The power to decide the “spirit of the law” allowing an extension beyond the mere word of the law.")

The official interpretation of Article I Section VI of the Renasian Constition ("Should a tie be found [During the Legislative Process], the Bill is then subject to full referendum") shall be that the vote of any Guntanu'tl member (during any long term absence of said member) shall be considered to be Abstainment for all actions which would require the vote of said member. This decision may be nullified or amended by the passing of any Act or Amendment by the Guntanu'tl meant to further address this issue, but any such Act or Amendment may not effect the Legislative Process in the case of the "SI Units Act 2014."

Signed, Supreme Judge Soma. Samuel Azehtyla OBS 9:36PM EST 25/08/2014