Royal reformed King Wilary the First Decree Number Nine

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Royal reformed Decree
[[Image: File:RrSA Flag0002.1.png|250px]]
RrSA Flag


His Excellency King Wilary the First




April 26th, 2010


April 28th, 2010


Sparkle Royal reformed Memorial Capital Building, Georgetown Royal reformed Government District

Reason for Decree

To Respond to the United Univist States Declaration of War

The Royal reformed King Wilary the First Decree Number Nine is the ninth Royal reformed Decree signed by His Excellency King Wilary the First of the Royal reformed States of America. It was signed on April 26, 2010. It is the RrSA's response to the declaration of war made by the United Univist States.

Reasons for Royal reformed King Wilary the First Decree

  1. Noting the United Univist States' declaration of war against "all micro and realworld nations",
  2. Noting that such a declaration is considered serious and a threat to the Royal reformed States of America,
  3. Noting that the United Univist States' declaration of war may have no official endorsement,
  4. Noting that the United Univist States' declaration of war may have full truth,
  5. Noting that the Royal reformed States of America wishes not to create an international incident,
  6. Noting the alliances that the Royal reformed States of America is a part of,
  7. Noting that the Royal reformed States of America would be fighting in the defence of itself from the United Univist States,


  1. Decides to declare a state of war between the Royal reformed States of America and the United Univist States, on the conditions:
    1. That the declaration will not be formally declared until the Twenty-Ninth of April, year Two Thousand and Ten,
    2. That the United Univist States do not recall their declaration of war by the Twenty-Ninth of April, year Two Thousand and Ten,
    3. That the United Univist States do not become defunct by the Twenty-Ninth of April, year Two Thousand and Ten,
  2. Announces the Royal reformed States of America's request call for members of all alliances to assist in the war against the United Univist States if it is declared.


Royal reformed Seal
  1. Signed by His Excellency King Wilary the First of the Royal reformed States of America,
  2. On April the Twenty-Sixth in the year Two Thousand and Ten,
  3. At the Sparkle Royal reformed Memorial Capital Building in the Georgetown Royal reformed Government District.

Amendment of April Twenty-Eighth

Reasons for Amendment

  1. Noting the united Univist States official statement and endorsement of the declaration of war,
  2. Noting that the Royal reformed States of America has been threatened by this statement,
  3. Noting that the Royal reformed Land Force is prepared for war,


  1. Decides to amend Therefore, Decision 1 to no longer state "on the conditions:",
  2. Decides to amend Therefore, Decision 1 to no longer contain any sections,
  3. Decides to amend Therefore, Announcement 1 to no longer state "if it is declared".
  4. Decides to amend Therefore, Announcement 1 to have "request" be replaced by "call".


Royal reformed Seal
  1. Signed by His Excellency King Wilary the First of the Royal reformed States of America,
  2. On April the Twenty-Eighth in the year Two Thousand and Ten,
  3. At the Sparkle Royal reformed Memorial Capital Building in the Georgetown Royal reformed Government District.