Royal reformed King Wilary the First Decree Number Eleven

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Royal reformed Decree
[[Image: File:RrSA Flag0002.1.png|250px]]
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His Excellency King Wilary the First




May 22nd, 2010


Sparkle Royal reformed Memorial Capital Building, Georgetown Royal reformed Government District

Reason for Decree

To Ban Censorship and Support the MGPR of A1's Anti-Censorship Campain

The Royal reformed King Wilary the First Decree Number Eleven is the eleventh Royal reformed Decree signed by His Excellency King Wilary the First of the Royal reformed States of America. It was signed on May 22, 2010. It bans any and all censorship in the RrSA, and supports the Most Glorious People's Republic of A1's anti-censorship campaign.

Reasons for Royal reformed King Wilary the First Decree

  1. Noting that the censorship of materials is discrimination based on language,
  2. Noting that the censorship of materials places limits on personal freedom,
  3. Noting that the material which would be censored is considered "inappropriate" only by a made up, imaginary and "politically correct" commmon society law,
  4. Noting that this thought of these censored materials being "inappropriate" is delusional and has no rational basis,
  5. Noting the Most Glorious People's Republic of A1's anti-censorship campian,
  6. Noting that this anti-censorship campian supports the ideas laid out in this Royal reformed King Wilary the First Decree Number Eleven,


  1. Decides to ban the use of any and all censorship of any and all materials in the Royal reformed States of America,
  2. Decides to allow the full use, sight, smell, hearing, feeling and taste of any and all possibly censored materials,
  3. Decides to allow the use of common censored items specifically,
    1. The use of pornagraphic materials,
    2. The use of "dirty", "bad" and "inapproprate" words in speech and writing,
  4. Decides to fully support the Most Glorious People's Republic of A1's anti-censorship campaign.


Royal reformed Seal
  1. Signed by His Excellency King Wilary the First of the Royal reformed States of America,
  2. On May the Twenty-Second in the year Two Thousand and Ten,
  3. At the Sparkle Royal reformed Memorial Capital Building in the Georgetown Royal reformed Government District.