Place Names Act 2013

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Empire of Adammia

Ruling Council

Act 6

Place Names Act 2013

This Act of Council hereby establishes an official system of creating and recognising place-names in Adammia.

The Imperial Institute of History is hereby formed. This institute is to be administered by the Ministry of Information. It shall maintain all records on the history of Adammia and the people and land that are part of it.

The Imperial Institute of Geography is hereby formed. This institute is to be administered by the Ministry of Information. It shall maintain all records of the geography of Adammia, maintain and produce its official maps, and keep official records of all its place-names.

The procedure for creating an official place-name is as follows: the Local Government of the territory containing the place being named must agree to create the place-name. The Local Government then informs the Ministry of Information, which, after checking that the place-name is appropriate and denying it if it is not deemed so, forwards it to the Imperial Institute of Geography to add it to their records and maps. The Monarch may also assign place-names but only if the place does not currently have a name.

Written by HIM Emperor Adam I

Passed by Council with 4 in favour
4 not present

Imperator Adammiae I

8th October 2013, day CLXXIX of Our reign