North American Delegation Act (2020, Cupertino Alliance)
twenty-first day of march 2020 (21 march 2020)
To increase activity and representation for member states, all member states are required to:
- Appoint another delegate if a member nation have not attended many sessions within the Cupertino Alliance
- If they have 3 delegates already, replace a delegate to one in an North American time zone (Central, Mountain, Pacific, Eastern, Newfoundland, Atlantic, Alaska)
- Or, replace a delegate to one which can attend sessions
This rule does not apply if
- A nation has insufficient people to replace a delegate
If a nation does not comply with the act, the Division of Agreements and Development may send an mandate. The nation must reply to the mandate within a week. If they fall to do so, the Division will issue a warning, and again must reply within a week. If they fail to do that, the Division of Agreements and Development may issue A Motion to Expel through Parliament, basically kicking a nation from the Alliance.
A nation may appeal the motion if passed through by contacting the Superior Judge or Chair of the Board.
After they have responded to the mandate or warning, they must appoint a delegate that fits the requirements within a week. If they fail to do so, they are given a reminder, extending the period to 1 week and 3 days. If they fail to do that, the Division of Agreements and Development may issue A Motion to Expel through Parliament, basically kicking a nation from the Alliance.