Legislation:SBR/T004-003/Original text

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Title and preamble

Treaty of Mutual Cooperation
The Commonwealth of Essexia & The Serene Beaconite Republic


This Treaty, to be ordained on the 13th December 2020 at 00:00 am (BST), ensures the following actions on behalf of both parties upon the approval of both parties:

  1. Both nations agree to a Pact of Non-Aggression (No war, conflict, or other violence/hostility between both nations) for as long as both wish to keep this Treaty.
  2. Both nations agree to aid each other if required by one of the parties.
  3. Both nations agree to respect each other and stay respectful when in contact with each other or other party.
  4. Both nations are recommended to share information or resources upon request by either party.
  5. Both nations agree to enter formal relations and recognize each other's sovereignty.

This Treaty will not be deemed valid should the following conditions not be met:

  1. This Treaty is to be signed by both nations.
  2. This Treaty is to be respected and abided by both nations.
  3. This Treaty is to be public and known upon request by any party.

This Treaty shall become invalid should:

  1. Both nations wish to terminate this Treaty. Should only one wish to terminate the Treaty, both nations shall have 7 days from the request to terminate to negotiate, otherwise there will be an Unconditional Termination.
  2. Either nation ceases its existence or operations.