Legislation:SBR/T003-004/Original text

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Signing clause, title and preamble

Diplomatic Treaty on Formal Relations Between the Commonwealth of New Virginia and the Serene Beaconite Republic (T003-004)

The Commonwealth of New Virginia and the Serene Beaconite Republic, hereafter referred to as “the Parties”,

RECOGNIZING the links of friendship between the Commonwealth of New Virginia and the Serene Beaconite Republic,

EXPRESSING the desire to further develop and promote bilateral relations between the Commonwealth of New Virginia and the Serene Beaconite Republic,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The nations in communion with this treaty seek to:

  • Preserve peace in the community
  • Sponsor a policy of rights for all
  • Champion fruitful interactions between the Parties

Article 2

Each nation will publicly respect the official policies of the other and shall each work for the greater good of the micronational community regardless of the views of the nations within it.

Article 3

Each party recognizes the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the other. If either party violates this recognition by encouraging the secession of a portion of the other party, waging war upon the other, or by some other means, this treaty shall be rendered null and void.

Article 4

Each party recognizes and allows its citizens to hold dual citizenship in the other party’s jurisdiction.

Article 5

A contracting party may withdraw from this treaty at any time, under the following terms and conditions: The withdrawing party shall provide a full forty-eight-hour warning to the other party in the form of official correspondence delivered directly to the highest available authority, before withdrawing from the alliance. The terminating party shall meet with representatives of the other contracting party to discuss grievances and attempt to negotiate an agreement to salvage the treaty at least once during this period.

Article 6

The parties of this treaty will resolve any disputes between them by peaceful, diplomatic means.

Article 7

Each party has the right to maintain a diplomatic mission in the other party’s jurisdiction. Each party shall guarantee diplomatic immunity to their counterpart’s officially appointed representatives.

Article 8

This treaty may be amended as required by consensus of the signatory nations.

The present pact shall come into effect immediately upon signature and shall remain in force for a period of ten years to the date. At the proper time before expiration of said term, the contracting parties shall at the request of either enter into negotiations for the renewal of the treaty.


In witness thereof, the Commonwealth of New Virginia affixes its signatures:

(Signatures of Dame Vera Hewitt KVNI, Provisional Chairman and Sir Edward Jacobs KVNI, First Ambassador)