Legislation:SBR/R002-017/Original text

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Be it enacted by the Grand Forum of All Citizens, as follows—

Minor Council Referral 002-017, National Holidays Act 2020

An Act to establish national holidays for Our Serene Republic.

Section A: National holidays

  1. A ‘national holiday’ is a day celebrated within Our Serene Republic as a day important to our people and nation.
  2. On a national holiday, the Events Undermagistrate is to organise and support events celebrating the national holiday.
  3. Employers, including Our Serene Republic itself, should close or reduce unnecessary services on national holidays, so that employees may celebrate the national holiday.

Section B: List of national holidays

  1. The national holidays in Our Serene Republic are the following:
    1. 14th January - Foundation Day, to celebrate the founding of New Winterdown and the Beaconite nation;
    2. March, Vernal Equinox - Vernal Equinox, to celebrate the subsolar point entering the Northern hemisphere.
    3. 13th April - Republic Day, to celebrate the founding of Our Serene Republic;
    4. 28th April - Ed Balls Day, to celebrate the tweeting of “Ed Balls” by Ed Balls;
    5. 21st June - Summer Solstice, to celebrate the North Pole having its closest tilt to the Sun;
    6. 26th July - Democracy Day, to celebrate the beginning of direct democracy in the Beaconite nation;
    7. September, Autumnal Equinox - Autumnal Equinox, to celebrate the subsolar point entering the Southern hemisphere;
    8. 16th October - gaming;
    9. 18th November - Lenny Face Day, to celebrate the first use of the Lenny face;
    10. 17-21st December - Satirnalia, to celebrate the Roman and Beaconite festival of Satirnalia;
    11. 21st December - Winter Solstice, to celebrate the North Pole having its furthest tilt from the Sun.