Legislation:SBR/P004-004/Original text

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Enactment clause, short and long titles

Be it enacted by the Grand Forum of All Citizens, as follows—

Proposition 004-004, Diplomatic Code Act 2021 (Organisational Ambassadors)

An Act to establish Ambassadors to represent Our Serene Republic in International Organisations.

Section A: Amendments to the Diplomatic Code Act 2020

  1. A new section is to be inserted into P001-002 Chapter III, following III.C, reading as follows:
"Section D: Ambassadors to International Organisations
  1. An Ambassador may be appointed to any International Organisation of which Our Serene Beaconite Republic. The International Organisation may require that any Ambassadors appointed to it be accredited by its own processes.
  2. The principal roles of an Ambassador are to represent the Magistracy and Our Serene Republic to the International Organisation to which they are appointed.
  3. Ambassadors are to hold title of the form “Beaconite Ambassador to [X]”, where X represents their appointed International Organisation.
  4. Ambassadors may appoint Diplomats to assist with the carrying out of their duties. These may also require accreditation under the same conditions as the Ambassadors.
  5. An Ambassador may seek to establish a permanent Embassy building near the headquarters of their appointed International Organisation. Any Embassy to be established must be granted a sufficient degree of extraterritoriality such that the Ambassador may carry out their duties with sufficient independence from another state under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.”

The following sections are to be renumbered accordingly.