Legislation:SBR/P002-016/Original text

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Enactment clause, short and long titles

Be it enacted by the Grand Forum of All Citizens, as follows—

Proposition 002-016, Ballot Act 2020 (Magisterial Elections)

An Act to amend the Ballot Act 2018 to clarify the election of Magistrates, in line with the system used in practice.

Section A: Amendments to the Ballot Act 2020

  1. R000-001 Chapter II, Section C, Article 1 is to be amended to read as follows:
    “The election of a Magistrate or an Undermagistrate elected by the Grand Forum is to occur following the vacation of the relevant Office, or if the Office is vacant, following the proposal for an election.”
  2. A new article is to be inserted, following II.C.1, reading as follows:
    “If there are no candidates for the election, the election does not occur and the Office remains vacant until candidates are nominated.”
    The following articles are to be renumbered accordingly.