Legislation:SBR/P002-014/Original text

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Be it enacted by the Grand Forum of All Citizens, as follows—

Proposition 002-014, Fundamental Rights and Freedoms Act 2020

An Act to amend the Constitution to strengthen the Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the people.

Section A: Amendments to the Constitution

  1. Article II.1 of the Constitution is amended to read as follows:
    “Our Serene Republic affirms the principles of the International Bill of Human Rights. The Bill is to be binding in law.”
    The International Bill of Human Rights includes the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, so all previously established rights are protected.
  2. Article II is to have a new item inserted, following II.1, reading as follows:
    “Our Serene Republic affirms the principles of the European Convention of Human Rights. All sections affirming Fundamental Rights and Freedoms are to be binding in law, but not those sections binding Our Serene Republic to the European Court of Human Rights.”
    The following items are to be renumbered accordingly.
  3. Article II is to have a new item inserted, following II.2, reading as follows:
    “In the event that these international conventions clash, the interpretation most strongly protecting the Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the person is to be preferred.”
    The following items are to be renumbered accordingly.
  4. Article II.4 (formerly II.2) is to be amended to read as follows:
    “The lack of enumeration of any particular Rights in these international conventions is not to be construed to deny the people any other Rights.”