Legislation:SBR/P002-008/Original text

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Be it enacted by the Grand Forum of All Citizens, as follows—

Proposition 002-008, Currency Act 2020

An Act to establish a currency for Our Serene Republic.

Chapter I: On the Beaconite Moon

Section A: Establishment of the Beaconite Moon

  1. There is to be a national currency for Our Serene Republic, known as the Beaconite Moon.
  2. The Beaconite Moon is to be the primary currency of Our Serene Republic, and to be the currency accepted by the Inland Revenue Service for the payment of taxes and fines. The Inland Revenue Service may also choose to accept the Pound Sterling or the Euro.

Section B: Units of the Beaconite Moon

  1. The primary unit of the Beaconite Moon is to be, naturally, the Moon.
  2. The Moon is to be divided into thirty Suns.

Chapter II: On the Creation of Coinage

Section A: Creation of currency

  1. The Celestial Mint is to produce coinage for the Beaconite Moon in the following denominations:
    1. 1 Sun;
    2. 5 Suns;
    3. 10 Suns;
    4. 1 Moon;
    5. 3 Moons;
    6. 12 Moons.
  2. The Celestial Mint may also produce coinage of non-standard values in small quantities, for special purposes. These may either be circulated at face value or sold at a higher price.

Section B: Appropriation of funds

  1. A one-time appropriation of 30 GBP is to be made from the Grand General Fund to the Celestial Mint for this purpose.