Legislation:SBR/P001-004/Original text

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Enacting clause, long and short titles

Be it enacted by the Grand Forum of All Citizens, as follows—

Proposition 001-004, General Data Protection Regulation Compliance Act 2018

An Act to bring Our Serene Republic into compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union.

Section A: Disclaimer on the Sovereignty of Our Serene Republic

  1. Our Serene Republic is not bound by the General Data Protection Regulation, or indeed any law of any institution that does not derive its authority from Our Constitution or the laws thereby enacted.

Section B: Data rights of citizens

  1. The governing institutions of Our Serene Republic have the right to request personal information (‘data’) from Citizens insofar as the data is required for government. The data that may be requested must be specified in the laws or orders that mandate the requests.
  2. When a governing institution requests this data, it must ensure that the Citizen responding gives their consent to the submission of the data. Citizens under the age of 13 years will require the consent of a parent or legal guardian.
  3. A Citizen may at any point request the personal data that a governing institution has stored about them at the time of request.
  4. A Citizen may at any point request that the personal data that a governing institution has stored about them at the time of request be amended in accordance with the desires of the Citizen, including destroying the data entirely.
  5. If a Citizen does not consent to the submission of the data, then they may be denied the rights and services that the governing institution provides, but only insofar as the data is required for the provision of those rights and services, and only insofar as this does not violate the Fundamental Rights and Freedoms given by Our Constitution.

Section C: Provisions concerning the Ballot Act 2018

  1. R000-001 Chapter III, Section A is to have a new article inserted following Article 1, as follows:
    ‘The Rector is to ensure that Electors consent to the use and storage of their personal information and that they receive the data rights given by P001-004 Section B. An Elector will lose their membership of the Grand Forum if they fail to provide this data.’
    The following Articles of Section A are to be renumbered accordingly.
  2. The Rector is to contact all current Electors to confirm that they do indeed consent to the use and storage of their data in accordance with the above amended Article.