Imperial Archive and Statistics Act 2015

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Empire of Adammia

Ruling Council

Act 23

Imperial Archive and Statistics Act 2015

This Act of Council establishes two government agencies to handle the maintenance of records, documents, artefacts and statistics that are important to the Empire of Adammia.

Section 1

  • a) The Imperial Archive is hereby established as a Government Agency under the control of the Ministry of Information.
  • b) The purpose of the Imperial Archive is to store records, documents and artefacts that are important to the Empire of Adammia. It shall have the responsibility of storing copies of all Adammic legislation and all treaties signed between the Empire and other entities. However, the original signed versions of all legislation must be stored by the Office of State. The original signed versions of treaties may be held by the Imperial Archive but this is not required.
  • c) The contents of the Imperial Archive should generally be accessible to the Adammic public, and can be presented through either physical or digital means. However, the Imperial Archive may wish to operate a Restricted Section through liaison with the Ministry of Defence in accordance with Ministry of Defence policy on classified material under the Defence Act 2015.

Section 2

  • a) The Imperial Statistics Office is hereby established as a Government Agency under the control of the Ministry of Information.
  • b) The purpose of the Imperial Statistics Office is to keep records of a range of statistics regarding the Empire of Adammia, including but not limited to: births, deaths, migration (all three of which are supplied by the Ministry of Citizenship), and economic data (which is supplied by the Ministry of Finance).
  • c) The statistics published by the Imperial Statistics Office should be accessible to the Adammic public by digital means and optionally by physical means.

Written by HIM Emperor Adam I

9 in favour
3 not present

Imperator Adammiae I

21st June 2015 16:40