Gishabrun SAR Treaty

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The following is the treaty, signed on June 22, 2012, that disestablished the Tsarist Empire of Gishabrun and made Gishabrun a Special Autonomous Region (SAR) of the Free State of Renasia.


This treaty, signed by the Heads of the States of both Gishabrun and of Renasia, establishes Gishabrun as a Special Autonomous Region, which shall be defined for the purposes of this treaty as an area having its own devolved legislo-executive body and system, whilst still being under the sovereignty of the Renasian Constitution and Government.

Article I

The autonomy of Gishabrun shall be restricted by all federal laws of Renasia. Gishabrun will have its own government and be able to pass legislation within itself, but must abide by all laws passed by the Renasian government, including its constitution.

Article 2

Renasia shall provide the citizens and state of Gishabrun with the following services as a Special Autonomous Region:

  1. All Gishabruni citizens that agree to join Renasia will be granted Renasian citizenship, with all it entails. They may stand for offices, vote electorally and legislatively, apply for grants, have access to documents and may represent Renasia at international events should they so please.
  2. Gishabrun itself will, from September 2012, be entitled to submit budget proposals to be considered and approved by the Treasury. The upper limit for the first year's budget is to be ₤200. This may then be revised each year as necessary.
  • (a) To make sure budgets are properly spent, quarterly reports on spending, with relevant proof (receipts, photos of acquired objects, demonstrations) provided, must be submitted to the Treasury for monitoring. Should misappropriation of funds be discovered, funds to the equivalent value will be removed from next quarter's payment.
  • (b) Budget money shall be assigned in quarterly amounts, as outlined by budget submissions.
  1. Gishabrun shall be allowed a devolved political system of any Constitutional set up it wishes to legislate within its boundary, with the Knyaz being its leader.
  2. Gishabrun will be supplied with £50 worth of metal clay during the year, at the retail price of the time.

Article 3

Gishabrun shall be a Renasian SAR for a minimum duration of 12 months. At this point, they will have the option of leaving, or signing and dating this treaty again to sign for another 12 months, and so on ad infinitum. Leaving during one of these agreements without official agreement is a violation.

Article 4

If Gishabrun violates this treaty before September 2012, Renasia shall be within their rights to halve the Gishabruni budget, or terminate the treaty.

If Renasia infringes the treaty before September 2012, Gishabrun shall be within their rights to demand half their initial budget be added again for the coming year, and may choose the cut the treaty without surrendering the 2012/2013 budget.

If Gishabrun violates the treaty after September 2012, Renasia will be allowed to reclaim funds proportional to the time remaining for the 2012/2013 year and terminate the treaty.

If Renasia violates the treaty after September 2012, Gishabrun may terminate this treaty and retain all funding provided to the Gishabrun State for that fiscal year.

Article 5

By signing below, Gishabrun agrees to abide by the terms of this treaty understanding it shall place them under Renasian sovereignty, and Renasia agrees to abide by their responsibilities under this treaty.


  • HIM Tsar Kuri I
  • Chairman Jacob Tierney