Foundation Day Address, 2014

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12th April 2014, Province of Tytannia

Ladies and gentlemen, I would first like to thank you all for attending Foundation Day today, as well as say a few words... As I am sure you all know, tomorrow marks one year since the Empire of Adammia was established. It has been a very successful first year – when I first started this, I never expected that this would be the outcome. What started as a small silly project has blossomed rapidly. In April last year, Adammia was but a single bedroom, with a population of one. I ruled alone as an absolute monarch, with no traces of culture or economics. Since then, a total of six houses and two parks have been claimed as the Empire has not only consolidated its sovereignty, but expanded it too. 5 square metres became over 80,000; 1 citizen became 60; A military was born and now has 13 members. The Ruling Council gave us a modern, civilised government. Production slowly came to life as we manufactured ID cards, then flags and model rockets. Our Treasury began steadily saving funds, whilst our presence grew both in the real world and on the Internet through our publicly-funded website. Our international prestige grew as I myself became Vice-Chair of the Grand Unified Micronational. And now we are here today, united as one nation, one people, to celebrate the fruits of our efforts. The Monarch and the People, working together in tandem, has created something truly extraordinary. We have survived as an active micronation for one year. This in of itself is a great achievement, compared to the many others around the world who have fizzled out after a few weeks or months because of a lack of interest. Now that we are firmly established, the stage is set for us to do even greater things. Time will tell what exactly, but I whatever it is, I look forward to it. I have never been more proud to be an Emperor. Thank you for listening, and enjoy the rest of Foundation Day. Seek wisdom and honour, and long live the Empire!