Foreign Citizen and Colony Liaison Act 2013

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Empire of Adammia

Ruling Council

Act 3

Foreign Citizen and Colony Liaison Act 2013

This Act of Council hereby establishes liaison between the unrepresented demographics of Adammic citizens in foreign territory, the Ordo Vladius and the residents of colonies such as Creatuxia, and the Ruling Council.

The Office of Colonial and Non-Local Citizen Liaison (OCNCL) is hereby formed. This entity is to be administered by the Office of the Emperor until a more appropriate governmental department is formed in the future. The head of this office is the Colonial Liaison Secretary, who shall, if not already, maintain a presence on the Ruling Council as a member. The OCNCL shall maintain constant contact with the governors of every colony and represent them on the Ruling Council. The Office shall also represent any full citizens living outside the radius of the Country of Adammia in non-Adammic territory defined under Imperial Decree IV.

The Office of Local Citizen Liaison (OLCL) is hereby formed. This entity is to be administered by the Office of the Emperor until a more appropriate governmental department is formed in the future. The head of this office is the Foreign Citizen Liaison Secretary, who shall, if not already, maintain a presence on the Ruling Council as a member. The OLCL shall represent any full citizens living within the radius of the Country of Adammia in non-Adammic territory.

Colonial governors are henceforth permitted to have a presence at the Ruling Council in the unlikely event that they should be present at a meeting as a temporary member.

Written by HIM Emperor Adam I

Passed by Council with 4 in favour
3 not present

Imperator Adammiae I

19th August 2013, day CXXVIII of Our reign