First Amendment to the Supreme Directive

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The Supreme Directive
First Amendment

In accordance with Article II, Section 2 of the Supreme Directive, this Amendment to the document may come into effect if it gains the support of at least 50% of the population of full citizens of Adammia. If this Amendment passes through a public referendum with this level of support, the changes outlined in this Amendment shall take immediate effect upon the Supreme Directive. This amendment also declares Decree IV of Emperor Adam I null and void, though the positions of nobility granted by it shall remain in effect until the Monarch declares otherwise. All references to Ministers of Council in all Adammic legislation are also hereby changed to Councilors. Act 3 of the Ruling Council is declared null and void.

I. Amendment to Article III (Sovereignty)

Article III Section 1 is amended as follows:

  • 1. The state acknowledges and respects the law of the macronations that surround and claim sovereignty over the Empire's territory. While its governing bodies may make laws that contradict the laws of those macronations, the macronational laws should still be upheld. Only if the macronation in question recognised the state would this not apply.

The following section is added:

  • 3. With the exception of the above sections, the Empire of Adammia claims the status of a sovereign state with territory, citizens and functioning government, with all the rights and responsibilities that go along with that status.

II. Amendment to Article IV (Territory)

Article IV Section 2 is amended as follows:

  • 2. It also claims the same extent of sovereignty over land given to it in Treaties of Annexation, Imperial Decrees or Acts of Council.

The following sections are added:

  • 3.
    • a) The Empire of Adammia's territory is made up of the country and its colonies.
    • b) The country of Adammia is made up of all its land from which representatives can reach regular Ruling Council meetings (see below). The Monarch shall be the judge of whether or not this applies to a piece of land.
    • c) The colonies of Adammia are any territories that do not comply with the above conditions.
    • d) All of the Empire's territories, both the country and the colonies, are subject to the laws of this Supreme Directive.
    • e) All of the territories of the country of Adammia are subject to the laws created by Imperial Decrees and Acts of Council. Colonies are not subject to these laws unless the said law explicitly says so.
  • 4.
    • a) The country of Adammia is divided into regions. Regions will correspond to a geographic area where the territories are located.
    • b) The regions of Adammia are further divided into Provinces.
    • c) Provinces are the main division of territory administration. Provinces should usually form up a single piece of land, though this is not necessary.
    • d) Provinces can further be divided into smaller areas such as Counties, Baronies, and Cities, or whatever name the governing bodies see fit.

III. Amendment to Article VII (The Monarch)

Article VII Section 7 (Regency) is amended as follows:

  • 7. Regency
    • a) If the Monarch finds themselves unable to effectively rule the Empire for any period of time longer than a week, they may declare a Regency and appoint a Regent out of the members of the Ruling Council.
    • b) If the Ruling Council deems the Monarch unable to effectively rule the Empire for any period of time longer than a week, they may vote to begin a Regency and appoint a Regent out of the members of the Council. The Monarch may override this decision unless the vote passed with more than 80% support.
    • c) If the Monarch is below the age of 14, a Regency is automatically in place. The Monarch may choose their own Regent in this scenario, but if they cannot provide an answer, the Ruling Council should choose for them.
    • d) In a Regency, the appointed Regent takes the full powers of the Monarch. They shall not, however, assume any titles or styles associated with the Monarchy, and the Line of Succession will stay with the actual Monarch.
    • e) While the Regent holds power, they shall hold the style of His/Her Lordship/Ladyship, spoken as Your Lordship/Ladyship or My Lord/Lady. They shall hold the title of Lord/Lady Regent.
    • f) The first choices of the position of the Regent should be: The Heir, the Prime Minister and the Lord Chancellor. If the Prime Minister is chosen, they must temporarily leave office as the Prime Minister, and their Deputy PM should fill their place.

IV. Amendment to Article VIII (Ruling Council)

Article VIII is renamed “Representation and the Ruling Council”. Article VIII Section 1 is amended as follows:

  • 1. Office of State
    • a) The Office of State is a political entity responsible for ensuring that democracy and the Supreme Directive are upheld properly.
    • b) It is the responsibility of the Office of State to organise all elections and referendums.
    • c) It is the responsibility of the Office of State to keep records of all Ruling Council meetings.
    • d) It is the responsibility of the Office of State to keep records of all the legislation passed by the state.
    • e) It is the responsibility of the Office of State to maintain the Monarchy and the Line of Succession. It should keep the Line of Succession fully updated.
    • f) The head of the Office of State is the Lord/Lady Chancellor of the State of Adammia.
    • g) The Chancellor is chosen out of the members of the Ruling Council by the Monarch. The Council must then vote to approve the Chancellor.
    • h) The Chancellor serves for life, unless he resigns, or the Monarch removes them from office, or if the Council votes successfully to remove them from office.

Article VIII Section 2 is amended as follows:

  • 2. Ruling Council
    • a) The Ruling Council is the official legislature of the Empire of Adammia.
    • b) The Monarch is the Chair of the Ruling Council. The Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and Lord Chancellor serve as Vice-Chairs.
    • c) The Dukes/Duchesses from the nobility each have a place in the Ruling Council.
    • d) The elected Councilors from each Province each have a place in the Ruling Council.
    • e) The Delegate of the Colonies and the Delegate of Abroad Citizens each have a place on the Ruling Council.

The following section is added, increasing the section number of following sections by 1:

  • 3. Nobility
    • a) Each division of land in the country of Adammia has an allocated noble or “landed noble”.
    • b) The noble for a Region is an Archduke or Archduchess. They hold the style of His/Her Grace, and the title of Lord/Lady Name, Archduke/Archduchess of Region. An Archduke or Archduchess can only be appointed by the Monarch with the approval of the Ruling Council via vote.
    • c) The noble for a Province is a Duke or Duchess. They hold the style of His/Her Grace, and the title of Lord/Lady Name, Duke/Duchess of Province. A Duke or Duchess can be appointed by the Archduke/Archduchess of the Region the Province is part of, with the approval of the Monarch and the Ruling Council.
    • d) Nobles of sub-divisions of Provinces may be appointed by the Duke/Duchess of that Province.
    • e) Nobles hold their positions for life unless they are removed from power by the officials that appointed them. Their position is hereditary.

Article VIII Section 4 is amended as follows: subsections 4d) and 4g) are amended as follows:

    • d) Local Elections take place once per year on a date specified by the Monarch. They cannot take place more than two years apart and they cannot take place less than six months apart.
    • g) Ballots in the Local Elections are counted by an official(s) appointed by the Lord Chancellor.

Article VIII Section 5 is amended as follows: subsection 5h) is amended as follows:

    • h) Ballots in the National Election are counted by an official(s) appointed by the Lord Chancellor.

The following section is added, increasing the section number of following sections by 1:

  • 6. Delegates and Colonies
    • a) The Delegate of the Colonies represents all the Colonies of the Empire as well as its citizens who live abroad outside what would be the Country of Adammia, such as the members of the Ordo Vladius.
    • b) The Delegate of the Colonies is chosen out of candidates supplied by the Lord Chancellor by all of the leaders of the Colonies along with the leaders of the major groups of citizens specified in the above subsection (these groups are determined by the Lord Chancellor). The Delegate of the Colonies must be able to attend Council meetings.
    • c) The Delegate of Abroad Citizens represents all the citizens of Adammia who could attend Council meetings.
    • e) The Delegate of Abroad Citizens is elected by the citizens specified in the previous subsection much in the style of a Local Election.
    • f) The leader of a Colony may be appointed in any way, specific to that Colony. They may be elected or inherit the position. The leader of the Colony may hold any title or style they wish, except for ones that imply complete independence. The Treaty of Annexation that claimed the Colony may outline the procedure by which the leader of the Colony is appointed and the titles and styles they hold.

Article VIII, Section 7 Subsection 7a is amended as follows:

  • 7a) The Ruling Council may meet as often as it wants, but it must hold at least one meeting per month.

Article VIII, Section 8 Subsection 8b is amended as follows:

  • 8b) An Act of Council has legislative power equal to an Imperial Decree. An Imperial Decree may override an Act of Council and vice-versa.

Article VIII, Section 8 Subsection 8b is amended as follows:

  • 9b) The Council can then debate any objections and propose to hold a vote to overturn the Decree. If this vote gains more than 50% support, the Decree is overturned.

The following section is added:

  • 10. Votes in the Council come from positions, not individuals. As a result, an individual who is a Duke and a Councilor would hold two votes, etc.

V. Amendment to Article XI (Judiciary Process)

Article XI, Section 3 is amended as follows:

  • 3. The Grand Court must decide if the offender is guilty of their crimes or not. If they are guilty, the judge should decide on a consequence for the offender.

VI. Amendment to Article XII (Rights of Citizens)

The following sections are added:

  • 5. All citizens have the right to practice any religion or belief freely, as long as this does not present any risk to the rights of other humans or national security or stability. The state is secular and shall treat all religions, or lack thereof, as equal.
  • 6. All citizens have the right to have control over their own bodies. No other human may make changes to their body without their permission. If it is medically necessary for something to be done by a government-backed institute, a parent or guardian may give permission on their behalf if they are under-age. Such practices as FGM are prohibited.
  • 7. All citizens, once reaching a certain age, have the right to practice any sexual activities they so wish in the privacy of their own homes so long as there is no risk of serious injury or death, and all parties involved give their explicit content.
  • 8. All citizens have the right to own property and property may not be taken from them unless it is for good reason.
  • 9. All citizens have the right to an Internet connection, as long as they can pay for it.
  • 10. No citizen may be discriminated against on the grounds of their gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or faith.
  • 11. Every citizen has the right to their own opinion.

VII. Article XIII (Miscellaneous)

Article XIII – Miscellaneous is added:

  • 1. The full name of the state is the Empire of Adammia. Its shortened form is Adammia.
  • 2. The official language of the state is English. All legislation and other state documents shall be written in English
  • 3. The official government system of the state is an Executive Constitutional Monarchy. The government runs a Parliamentary System.
  • 4. The official demonym of the state is Adammic.
  • 5. The official foundation date of the state is the 13th of April 2013.

Referendum held on 16th of November 2013 gained 55% support of the public, hence proclaiming this Amendment.

Signed by His Imperial Majesty Adam the First, of these lands Emperor, Imperator Adammiae I, Archduke of West Adammia, Lord Chancellor of State, Sovereign of the Order of Adammia:

Imperator Adammiae I

00:07 17th November 2013, day CCXVII of Our reign