Defence Act 2015

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Empire of Adammia

Ruling Council

Act 22

Defence Act 2015

This Act of Council formalises the devolution of authority to the appropriate government and military bodies with respect to the defence of the Empire of Adammia.

Section 1

  • a) A state of war can only be declared by the Ruling Council through a special motion, or by the Monarch through a direct declaration; each of these are subject to a veto by the opposite legislative body, and the decision to declare war shall fall to the Prime Minister in this case.
  • b) A state of war can exist against other states, those both recognised as sovereign and those not recognised, or other militant organisations.
  • c) If any entity as described in subsection b) declares war on the Empire, the declaration will be considered unrecognised until it is reciprocated in accordance with subsection a). Military confrontation taking place outside of a recognised war may still be classified as an insurgency, or otherwise.
  • d) While any armed threat to the Empire may be met with force, a state of war is required before a territory held by an organisation as described in subsection b) can be invaded and occupied by Adammic military forces.

Section 2

  • a) The Ministry of Defence is responsible for both the internal and external integrity of the Empire. As such, they are responsible for implementing measures to protect the Empire from crime, civil unrest and foreign threats.
  • b) General defence policy is set by the Ministry of Defence, but can be overridden by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister must consent to any offensive campaigns, unless the Empire is in a state of war or a state of emergency.
  • c) All sites operated by Ministry of Defence government agencies, such as the Military, that are located within the Adammic provinces and the Jagstonian Plains must be property of the Ministry of Defence. The Ministry of Defence may also own standard-issue equipment distributed to these agencies, though the agencies may also source their own equipment.
  • d) The Ministry of Defence may mandate the existence of certain components and structures within the agencies it controls; in the absence of these mandates, the agencies may freely develop their own structures.
  • e) The Ministry of Defence controls the mobilisation status of the military and its components and sub-components. The military should ensure that any mobilised units are ready to carry out operations at a moment's notice.

Section 3

  • a) The headquarters of the Military of Adammia is known as the High Command. High Command may have both a physical and an internet component.
  • b) High Command is made up of the Grand Marshal of the Military (the Monarch), the heads of the three service branches, the leaders of the highest level of unit in each branch (these being the Generals of the Divisions in the Army, Admirals of the Fleets in the Navy, and the Air Marshals of Commands in the Air Force), along with any other staff whom the Grand Marshal may choose to appoint.
  • c) The purpose of High Command is to plan, in a military rather than a government sense, how the policies and campaigns of the Ministry of Defence will be carried out, and to co-ordinate the components of the three service branches.
  • d) The Grand Marshal is the highest source of military authority and their orders override all others. Decisions taken by the High Command which involve multiple service branches must be approved by the Grand Marshal. Decisions involving only one branch may alternatively be approved by the head of that branch.
  • e) The leaders of the top-level units present in the High Command have the responsibility of dispensing the orders of High Command down to their own sub-units. Units which are not part of a top-level unit will instead take orders directly from the head of their service branch. Alternative means of communication may be utilised if the above routes fail.

Section 4

  • a) The Ministry of Defence is responsible for any classified information regarding the activities of the Adammic government.
  • b) Classified information may be restricted, secret or top secret. Restricted information is only accessible to anyone working within an organisation using the information. Secret or top secret information is on a need-to-know basis and is only accessible to select individuals. Access to top secret information is controlled strictly by the Minister of Defence and the Prime Minister.
  • c) Accidentally revealing classified information is a crime punishable by a fine of up to £10. Intentionally revealing restricted information is a crime punishable by a fine of up to £25, and intentionally revealing secret or top secret information is an act of treason, punishable by the revocation of all Adammic offices and citizenship.
  • d) The Prime Minister and the Monarch both possess the right to unlimited access to classified information simply by ordering that they be given access. The Ruling Council also possess this right when they vote in favour of an appropriate motion. Through the equivalent means, the aforementioned bodies may also order information to be classified or declassified.

Written by HIM Emperor Adam I

7 in favour
5 not present

Imperator Adammiae I

7th February 2015 16:03