Decree XXV Adam I

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Empire of Adammia

Office of the Emperor

Decree XXV

Colonial Governance

We, the occupant of this Office, do hereby issue the following Decree to reform and organise the means of governance and the extent of sovereignty for the Colonies of the Empire, specifically the Colony of Creatuxia.

We firstly re-affirm, in accordance with the Supreme Directive, that Adammic legislation in the form of Our Imperial Decrees and the Acts of the Ruling Council do not hold effect over the Colonies unless they explicitly state so, which this particular Decree does. We re-affirm that Colonies are represented at the Ruling Council by the Delegate of the Colonies, currently Our Imperial Majesty by appointment of the Lord Chancellor of the State of Adammia.

We declare that a Colony may freely determine its means of governance, except for, as with our current only Colony, when the means of governance is set out in the Treaty of Annexation that annexed the Colony, or some other Adammic legislation that holds power over the Colony. However, there must be some form of government in place, led by an official referred to herein as the Colonial Governor. The government of a Colony may devolve legislative, executive and judiciary powers as it sees fit.

We declare that the defence of the Colonies is the responsibility of the Ministry of Defence of the Adammic National Government, and that Colonies are prohibited from creating any armed force without the permission of Our Imperial Majesty outside of the Military of Adammia. We also declare that the foreign representation of the Colonies is the responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Adammic National Government, though the Colonies are permitted to appoint their own ambassadors, construct embassies etc. through collaboration and consensus with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

We declare that the citizenship of the Colonies is synchronised with that of the whole Empire, and that an individual may not hold citizenship of a Colony, full or honourary, without that citizenship transferring across to the rest of the Empire. We declare that the government of a Colony is to grant full citizenship to the residents of its lands, and inform the Ministry of Citizenship of the Adammic National Government of these; however, they may not grant full citizenship to non-residents without the permission of the Ministry of Citizenship. They may grant honourary citizenship to non-residents, but again the Ministry of Citizenship must be informed.

We declare that the governments of the Colonies may manage their own economies, and that the GDP of colonial economies does not count towards the Adammic GDP. We declare that companies registered within a Colony may also freely register with the Imperial Companies Agency, but do not have to submit their financial data to the Companies Agency.

We declare that the governments of the Colonies may grant titles to their residents; they may also, with Our Imperial Majesty's permission, grant titles to non-resident citizens, and to foreigners. All titles granted by the Colonial governments are to be recognised throughout the entire Empire, but are subject to immediate removal by the Office of the Emperor.

We declare that, while a Colony may handle its own infrastructure, the nature of its transport routes should be shared with the Ministry of Infrastructure of the Adammic National Government and categorised with the transport routes of the rest of the Empire by the Transport Network Agency. The same also applies to the communications channels that it licenses in regards to the National Communications Agency.

Finally, we endorse and encourage any collaboration between the governments of the Colonies and the governing bodies of the Empire as a whole.

This, the twenty-fifth Imperial Decree of Our Imperial Majesty Emperor Adam the First, is decreed at Primoria on the ninth day of July, two-thousand and fourteenth year of the Common Era and the second year of Our reign, and is signed into immediate effect.

Imperator Adammiae I