Decree XVII Adam I

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Empire of Adammia

Office of the Emperor

Decree XVII


Replacing the law in Imperial Decree IV declared null and void by the First Amendment to the Supreme Directive, it is henceforth declared that the constitutional status of a Treaty of Annexation is given to a document annexing land to the Empire of Adammia, that has been signed in full knowledge and free will by the necessary signatories, which are: the Monarch of the Empire of Adammia, and the owner of the land under macronational law, though with an exception for annexing single rooms, whereby the de-facto inhabitant of the room may act as the necessary signatory. Such a document shall hold full legal force in making the territory prescribed a part of the Empire, as a Province or a Colony depending on what the Monarch judges it to be.

In the event that it is not possible to have a Treaty of Annexation signed, replacing the law outlined in Imperial Decree XII, an Imperial Decree or an Act of Council may be issued which claims the land. In this case, it will not be possible to have the territory as a Colony or a Province. It shall instead be classified as a Territorial Claim (shortened to a Territory or a Claim). It is recognised that the Empire holds less sovereignty over this type of land, and Adammic law shall not hold full effect there.

This, the Seventeenth Imperial Decree of Our Imperial Majesty Emperor Adam I, is signed into immediate effect on today the 28th of December 2013, year I of Our reign.

Imperator Adammiae I