Decree XVIII Adam I

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Empire of Adammia

Office of the Emperor

Decree XVIII

Claims near Tytannia

Acting under Our Imperial Decree XVII, this Office does hereby establish two Territorial Claims. The first of these is to be the area of grass opposite Tytannia Province. It shall hold special status in that it is to be part of Tytannia but will be a territory. It shall be known as the County of Tytannia Ulterior and will be ruled by Andrew Hall as Count.

The second is to be the south end of the park near to Tytannia and is to be known as the Jagstonian Plains. The Office of the Emperor manages the borders of these claims with executive authority.

The signatures are affixed during the occupation of each area by the Military.

Imperator Adammiae I

AMENDMENT: 3rd of February 2014, stating that all territories claimed therein are to be part of the Region of East Adammia.