Decree XLI Adam I

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Empire of Adammia

Office of the Emperor

Decree XLI

Borealian Independence

We, the Adammic Imperial Majesty, do hereby issue the following Decree, granting independence to the Colony of Borealia and elevating the Territories of El Grandens and Kappania to Colony status.

Noting that earlier this day the Borealian Cabinet held the Borealian Independence Referendum in which the people of Borealia voted for independence, with 8 votes to leave the Empire to 3 votes to stay, we hereby abdicate the throne of the Emperor of Borealia and declare that our Line of Succession will not inherit this throne. We declare that Tom Martin shall henceforth be Emperor of Borealia. We hereby declare that the Empire of Adammia surrenders all sovereignty over the Colony of Borealia, and that Borealia will no longer be a Colony of Adammia but shall instead be an independent sovereign state with the Emperor of Borealia as its Head of State.

We hereby declare that the Territory of El Grandens and the Territory of Kappania shall henceforth be Colonies of the Empire of Adammia.

This, the forty-first Imperial Decree of Our Imperial Majesty Adam the First, Emperor of Adammia, Count of Penmine and Spildcastle, Lord Chancellor of State, Grand Admiral etcetera, is decreed at Adamsville in the Province of Primoria on this the first day of August, two-thousand and sixteenth year of the Common Era and the fourth year of Our reign, and is signed into immediate effect.

Adamus Primus Imperator

1st August 2016 20:05