Decree VI Adam I

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Empire of Adammia

Office of the Emperor

Decree VI

Official Media

This Imperial Decree hereby declares the official state media of the Empire of Adammia and its role.

The Empire of Adammia Wordpress blog is declared to be the official Adammic state online newspaper. Its URL is: . The newspaper is owned and written by the Emperor, though people can be employed to manage it in future. The newspaper shall release articles about events in Adammia or Adammia's role abroad in the intermicronational community. The newspaper should aim to release one article per week, though this is not compulsory. The newspaper is an official means for the governing body to inform the populace about issues, such as upcoming referendums. The newspaper shall be renamed to the Adammic Express.

The Empire of Adammia YouTube channel is declared to be the official Adammic state broadcasting channel. Its URL is: . The channel is owned by and managed by the Emperor, though people can be employed to manage it in future. The channel may upload broadcasts from around the Empire, news segments, and other entertainment. The channel is an official means for the governing body to inform the populace about issues, such as upcoming referendums. The channel shall be renamed to Adammic Online Television.

The Empire of Adammia Twitter account is declared to be the official Adammic state Twitter account. Its URL is: . The account is owned by the Emperor. The account should be integrated with the Adammic Express and the AOT. The account can be used to post official press releases by the Office of the Emperor, or anything else that the Emperor sees fit to post.

HIM Emperor Adam I
Imperator Adammiae I
21st June 2013, LXIX day of his reign