Decree VII Adam I

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Empire of Adammia

Office of the Emperor

Decree VII


This Decree hereby makes illegal the act of distributing certain information relating to the Empire of Adammia on the Internet, in the interests of protecting national security and that of individuals such as the Monarch. The boundaries of this are: restricted information shall not be posted on public webpages such as the Adammic Express blog, the official website, and MicroWiki; restricted information shall not be sent to any person via the Internet without the explicit permission of the Monarch, and even then extreme caution is advised, through services such as Skype, Teamspeak and Google Hangouts.

Restricted information includes:

  • -Any macronational address information more precise than “West Yorkshire”. Names of villages, towns, schools, locations, streets and house numbers is not permitted. Micronational addresses should be used instead, for example: “Office of the Emperor, Imperial Household, 1 Adammia Street, Adammic Imperial Province, Empire of Adammia.
  • -Telephone numbers used by citizens under the age of 18.
  • -IP addresses of any computers used by the government.
  • -Location markers on maps that clearly show a macronational location also.
  • -Latitude / longitude co-ordinates of locations in the Empire.
  • -Encryption of data that could reveal any of the above information is also not permitted.

Sentences for cases of lawbreaking relating to this Decree can include heavy fines and / or banishment and removal of titles. Information leaks should be closed as soon as possible by the government and any witnesses sworn to secrecy by their honour and dignity. This Decree applies specifically to all citizens, not just full ones.

HIM Emperor Adam I
Imperator Adammiae I
14th July 2013, XCII day of his reign