Decree VIII Adam I

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Empire of Adammia

Office of the Emperor

Decree VIII

Census and ID Cards

This Imperial Decree hereby delegates to the Office of the Emperor the responsibility of issuing ID cards to as many full and honourary citizens as possible. As agreed on by the second meeting of the Ruling Council, the deadline of the 24th August 2013 shall apply to citizen ID cards for: Sir Guy Crossland; Sir Damian Parker and his mistress, Madam Stacy; and Madam Becky Spencer-Smith.

The Office of the Emperor shall take the role of designing and manufacturing these ID cards, until a more suitable government entity is created in the future, whereby this responsibility may be transferred by Act of Council. In order to gather information needed for the ID cards and to fill holes in the database, the Office of the Emperor shall also issue a nation-wide census, applying to both full and honourary citizens. This census shall collect: Full names, gender, date of birth, marital status, ethnicity, and religion.

HIM Emperor Adam I,
Imperator Adammiae I,
21st July 2013, IC day of his reign