Constitutional Amendment Act 2019 (New Eiffel)

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A member of parliament must propose an amendment in a parliament session, parliament may not be called just for the purpose of one proposed amendment, unless given consent by the Prime Minister or His Majesty. An amendment may pass through parliament with a majority of over 65 percent of the vote. After that, the amendment shall go to a public referendum, where all registered voting citizens shall be eligible to vote – in favour, against, abstain or not vote at all. If the amendment has over 51 percent votes, it shall legally be implemented by the Supreme Court or His Majesty. The Supreme Court may reject any amendment if it got less then 70 perfect in favour votes in the public referendum, however this decision may be challenged by parliament – where the decision to reject the Supreme Court's rejection must be 51 percent or more in favour – or a second public referendum – where the decision to reject the Supreme Court's rejection must be 70 percent or more in favour.

This act will be put into force on this day, Thursday, 28 November 2019, MMXIX, 15nov, ༃ᎃ28.