April 2013 Supreme Directive (unamended)

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The Supreme Directive

I, Adam Belcher, do hereby declare the formation of the political entity The Empire of Adammia, and appoint myself as Head of State of this entity. The Empire of Adammia is defined as a micronation, and claims the territory of the bedroom of the founder in Wakefield, United Kingdom as its own.

First and foremost, the State respects the law of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. All citizens and rulers are subject to the laws of the UK. No citizen shall break the law of their current macronation in the name of Adammia.

The State also respects the right of the father of the founder as the custodian of the territorial household, and will always do so unless ruled otherwise by the founder.

The Head of State is defined to be the founder, Adam Belcher, and in the event of death or abdication, the title passes on to a citizen previously specified by the Head. If a citizen is not named, the title passes on to any family of the Head with citizenship, and if no family is available, the title passes on to the first citizen to claim office. The official title of the Head of State is Emperor. The Emperor has supreme authority over the nation. The Emperor reserves the right to enact any future laws.

I, Adam Belcher, the author of this document and founder of the State, reserve the right to make any modification to this Supreme Directive, with the exception of Article 2. Any other occupant of the position of Emperor must respect the entrenchment of Articles 2, 3, 5 and 7. The Emperor has the right to amend any other paragraph.

Citizens of the Empire are subject to its laws, unless an exception is made by the Emperor. There are two types of citizens – full citizens and honorary citizens. Both can be requested from and granted by the Emperor. Honorary citizens do not hold the right to claim rulership. Citizens have the right to propose new laws to the Emperor for a decision on whether they should be enacted. Citizens may be granted additional titles by the Emperor, and may also be asked to take on a certain role. The Emperor may not force a citizen to take on a role or job within the Empire.

Citizens have the right to life, protection and freedom of speech in the boundaries of those set by the UK.

If a law equivalent to one of the UK is broken, the role of judgement in response to this is given to the judicial system of the UK. If a law specific to the Empire is broken, judgement is reserved for the Emperor.

The Emperor has the right to claim land in the name of the Empire, and governs all its territory. A territory should be marked with the National Flag of Adammia in some form, and should have a border post sign declaring the territory as that of the Empire. Exceptions to these can be made by the Emperor.

The National Flag of Adammia is declared to be a green circle on a dark cyan background. The official language is defined as English. The official religion is Atheism, but all religions have the equal right to be practised in Adammia.