Adam I's Christmas Broadcast, 2014
25th December 2014, Province of Maternia
Greetings and salutations, citizens of this great Empire and foreign observers alike; Our Imperial Majesty would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas.
It is at this time of the year that we are reminded of the importance of "peace and goodwill to all men". This message of tolerance and respect, of course, applies not just to the holiday season but to our everyday lives the whole year round. I strongly believe that Adammia is one of the most tolerant micronations in the community. I have always strived to uphold those values: equality and freedom from a wide range of types of discrimination is guaranteed in the Supreme Directive. I have therefore expressed dismay when the wider micronational community is so often represented by micronations with a more hateful agenda. Alas, I have seen examples of misogyny, religious persecution, and homophobia proudly displayed on the front page of MicroWiki. While this would not be of concern to me if this remained an internal affair of the micronations in question, it is often instead published for the outside world to see and in doing so it paints all micronations in a negative light. What would an outsider – perhaps an atheist, or gay, or female themselves – think if the first thing they saw were these articles of hate?
It is in the face of this that Adammia remains moderately socially progressive. I'm no social justice warrior, but I've always supported a fair system which gives everybody a chance. Without that, speaking of peace and goodwill at Christmas would be direly hypocritical. For me personally, this was a year of many conflicts – both internally and externally – and now is the time to take a step back, reflect and realise that our fellow human beings are real people, all with their own problems. That is why peace and goodwill can be the greatest of gifts. During the First World War, the German and British soldiers stopped fighting for a day at Christmas. This is an example we should all follow, for conflict can blind us, and it is through peace and goodwill that our eyes are opened.
2014 was a year of many successes for the Empire. The year saw several memorable events, such as our first Foundation Day celebrations in April, and the launch of Andromeda 3 in October. Since last Christmas, we have welcomed the new provinces of Watertopia and Myway, and the colony of Borealia, to the nation. 2013 was the year of many beginnings, but 2014 was a year of consolidation which was very much needed. Looking to the future, we have created a solid base on which to advance the Empire to greater heights.
Before ending this address to the nation, We would like to read this following message prepared by Our Prime Minister, Her Imperial Highness Emperor Mother Jayne:
"Due to voluntary donations by Adammic citizens, the Empire is now financially sound and in a position to purchase non-essential commodities. We are approaching the second anniversary of Foundation Day and we are looking forward to making this as special a day as it was last year. We will consider all suggestions for marking this event. In the meantime, I wish to extend my Christmas greetings to all."
Thus, We on behalf of the Office of the Emperor and Our Prime Minister and her National Government, do once more wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Seek wisdom and honour, and long live the Empire.