1st 2024 Decree of Knyaz Kuri of Gishabrun
Recognising the currently dormant state of affairs of Gishabrun, further hearing the petition of Mr. Mohan Menon to improve Gishabrun's activity and presence specifically in the economic realm, We hereby enact the following terms in Our capacity as the legitimate Knyaz of Gishabrun:
1. The grant of the title ‘Marquis’ to Mr. Menon, henceforth to be known as His Grace, Marquis Menon.
2. The recognition of His Grace, Marquis Menon as a member of the Gishabruni Royal Court.
3. The establishment of the Royal Treasury, with the Royal Treasurer at its head, as a governmental body which will exercise Our powers related to the management of Our estates and holdings, as well as the economic and charitable activity related to them.
4. The limitation of the powers of the Royal Treasury to estates and holdings held by Us in Our capacity as Knyaz of Gishabrun, and excluding such estates and holdings as are held in any other capacity.
5. The definition of the purpose of the Royal Treasury to “create and expand sources of funding or income for His Elite Excellence the Knyaz.”
6. The management of these assets by the Royal Treasury must be done specifically in order to facilitate the developmental goals of Gishabrun - namely, for cultural and charitable purposes.
7. The grant of authority to the Royal Treasurer to engage in the recruitment activity of Gishabruni subjects, and to appoint any of them as his or her employees in the Royal Treasury, as he or she sees fit.
8. The appointment of His Grace, Marquis Menon as the Royal Treasurer.
Signed on this, the 30th of January of the year 2024, at the Royal Residence, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada