1st 2015 Decree of Knyaz Kuri of Gishabrun

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Recognising that the tedious maintenance of Gishabruni activity and institutions is severely hindered by a change in the priorities of its loyal citizenry, but not wishing to break the illustrious and unbroken Gishabruni legacy beginning in 2010, We hereby enact the following terms in Our capacity as the legitimate Knyaz of Gishabrun:

I. For Immediate Implementation:
1. The recognition of Agnatic-Cognatic Primogeniture as the henceforth eternal inheritance law of Our monarchical position.
2. The creation of the ‘Gishabruni Royal Court’, consisting of Us, the first 5 people in the order of succession as per #1, and any peers or order-bearers (as determined by Our sole discretion).
3. The affirmation of the official flag of Gishabrun being the following, as described in the Gishabrun SAR constitution: “a diagonal tricolour, divided with a blue diagonal band extending from the lower hoist-side corner. The upper triangle is maroon and the lower triangle is light green. On top of it all is a yellow drafting compass with its hinge at the upper middle of the flag and its points extending to either bottom corner of the flag.”
4. The affirmation of the official seal of Gishabrun being the same as that of the Gishabrun SAR since 2013, namely a circle with its top part two parts of alternating white and black horizontal lines and its bottom part being the bottom half of the Renasian broken circle.
5. The obligation of the Gishabruni Royal Court to store all copies of this and future decrees, as well as to archive and preserve Gishabruni historical information and artifacts.
6. The affirmation of the fact that future decrees may override anything written in previous decrees, excepting #1 of this decree and any future terms decreed to be unchangeable.
7. The secession from the Free State of Renasia as soon as legally possible, and to enact the terms in II automatically.

II. For Implementation Immediately Following a Legal Secession from the Free State of Renasia:
8. The relinquishing of all Gishabruni land claims.
9. The revocation of Gishabruni citizenship from all non-members of the Gishabruni Royal Court.
10. The transfer of all debts and responsibilities of Gishabrun or its government to the Gishabruni Royal Court.
11. The rejection of any formal affairs or interactions with other micronational entities except as macronational organisations or persons or otherwise excepted in future decrees.
12. The recognition of Gishabrun as a non-territorial cultural entity reflecting an historical legacy.

Signed on this, the 17th of March of the year 2015, at Kravat Oblast, Gishabrun, Free State of Renasia