Original constitution of Wegmat

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The Kingdom of Wegmat constitution

The People of Wegmat decided these rights apply to any citizen.

1. Wegmat citizens have the freedom of religion, the freedom to life, and the freedom of the press 2. All humans, dogs, cats, beavers, foxes and deer have the right to be a citizen. 3. Wegmat citizens can own a business and personal belongings. 4. Wegmat citizens have the freedom of not working in harsh conditions, must be paid and not harassed. 5. Wegmat citizens have the right to seek a an attorney during court. 6. Wegmat citizens have the freedom to vote 7. Wegmat citizens have the freedom to move and leave the country. 8. War can only be declared by prime minister or Queen. 9. Prescription to the military is required during the event of war. 10. Exileing anyone out of the Country is illegal without permission from Queen to Prime Minister. 11. Other Justice laws 12. Province laws must be approved by Queen or Prime Minister. 13. National laws must be approved by all government members. 14. Other government rights