Legislation:UEU/Rema Treaty of Union/Original text

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"TREATY" between the Confederation of Esse and the Democratic Confederation of the Palatinate of Uberquiesenberg

WHEREAS the Governments of the Confederation of Esse and the Democratic Confederation of the Palatinate of Uberquiesenberg have agreed upon the union of their respective crowns into one under the leadership of His Illustrious Highness the Lord of the Essians and His Highness the Palatinate and Viceroy of Uberquiesenberg

AND WHEREAS the respective governments of both nations shall remain in place, with both nations practising and utilising their governments and citizens under their respective laws

AND WHEREAS this Union was formed to create a more perfect Union for the benefit of its peoples and sovereignty

NOW, THEREFORE, let it be known that the following provisions are to be enacted by the powers granted unto the Union of Crowns:

Article I: General Provisions

  1. The Confederation of Esse and the Democratic Confederation of the Palatinate of Uberquiesenberg shall be henceforth known as the Confederation of Esse and the Confederation of Uberquisenberg, respectively.
  2. Both confederations have the right to organise and manage their respective systems and governments in place.
  3. The diarchs of both confederations shall be known as Lord of the Essians, for the Confederation of Esse, and Lord of Uberquiesenberg, for the Confederation of Uberquiesenberg.
  4. The Diarchal Crown shall rotate between the Lords of Uberquisenberg and of the Essians in a biannual basis.

Article II: Union Government

  1. A Union Government shall be formed and headed by the Heaminister, and his deputy shall be the Wiceminister, to be elected as a two-person ticket elected separately from the Parliamentary ticket.
  2. A Union Parliament shall be created and representatives of both confederations, both equally represented in terms of numbers, are to be elected by their respective confederation in accordance with their respective laws.
  3. A court system may be implemented upon agreement between the Diarchs.

Article III: Citizenship

  1. Citizens of both confederations have the right to migrate to the other, or to any Confederations later added. The Diarchs reserve the right to deny such a migration if they deem it unfitting to the interests of the Union.
  2. Citizens have to be a resident of their respective confederation for 30 days, or one calendar month, before they are eligible to run for office in the said confederation.

Article IV: Territories

  1. Under this treaty, the Confederation of Esse shall be composed of two cities: the cities of Rema and New South Cambridge.
  2. The city and claim of New Halyards shall be seceded back to the United States of America.
  3. The Confederation of Uberquiesenberg will retain its present territories and claims.

Article V: Confederal governments

  1. Each confederation shall have a head of state and a head of government.
  2. The confederations reserve the right on the manner they decide to choose their heads of state and government.

Article VI: Rights and responsibilities

  1. Everyone has the right to life, dignity and liberty.
  2. Everyone has the right to not have their privacy hindered or violated by the state.
  3. Everyone has the right to a fair and just trial with a jury.
  4. Everyone has the right to speech and information, in such a way that it does not harm or provoke danger to anyone else.
  5. Citizens have the right to exercise their suffrage on elections.
  6. Citizens are expected to abide by the laws and conventions accordingly.

Article VII: Final provisions

  1. This treaty may be amended by the Union Parliament with a majority vote.
  2. Conventions and laws that are concurrently part of each state shall remain in place and enforced.
  3. The Diarchs have the right to unilaterally amend this treaty together.
  4. This treaty shall take in effect on 1 June 2020 following the affixation of the signatures of the representatives to this treaty.

DONE at Rema, on the FIRST of JUNE in the year of TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY.

For the Lord of the Confederation of Esse

For the Palatinate and Viceroy of Uberquisenberg